More leaks from the Genshin Impact 1.5 Beta client have been published by Project Celestia, this time focusing on the upcoming housing system – the leaked content most notably explained the homeworld system, and the materials gathering system made for it. We have all the details below. Genshin Impact Homeworld, housing system explained Several tutorials
Along with the Overwatch Archives 2021 event’s arrival comes new weekly challenges. After a few months of speculation and excitement, the Overwatch Archives 2021 event finally went live this afternoon. If you’re ready to get a headstart on the weekly challenges but are having trouble finding out what they are, look no further. Here is
Despite being a really solid battle royale first-person-shooter, fans of Apex Legends are often noticing bugs and issues with the game. It seems like every week there’s a new major issue that Respawn Entertainment is looking into to make Apex Legends a more stable game. Today, many fans are distressed over a wide-spread account reset
While several Genshin Impact fans are still wondering when miHoYo will be adding alternate skins and bonus costumes, some artists have taken it upon themselves to satisfy fans for the time being – this is the case of @soyventilatte, who regularly shares beautiful fan-made costumes for the characters, including the Traveler. Genshin Impact player and