Square Enix

The deluge of Final Fantasy VII Remake fanart continues well after the launch of the title on April 10th. This time we have some beautiful artwork from Twitter artist kenji82 depicting AVALANCHE member Jessie. She became a breakout hit among fans thanks to her earnest, flirty, and charming personality: FF7R ジェシー pic.twitter.com/xZrFraMyUX — マキムラシュンスケ (@kenji82)
Ignoring that the original Final Fantasy VII was done in a polygon 3D graphic style, it never fails to stir up those nostalgia feels seeing official art redone in 2D sprite art. And thanks to Kisuke_010‘s work, we now have this breathtaking piece showcasing what a demake could possibly look like: FF7R発売おめでとうございます記念ドット絵是非横画面で見てください〜#FF7R pic.twitter.com/HrRk7V07Cf — きすけ
Fans have been waiting for quite some time to see how the long-awaited Final Fantasy VII Remake ended up delivering on a remake of one of the most beloved video games of all-time. Thankfully, it seems that FFVII Remake has more than delivered, with one fan on Twitter paying tribute to the game’s iconic characters through beautiful
When it came to Final Fantasy VII Remake the creators behind the multi-part project decided to replace the old voice cast from other Final Fantasy projects like Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. With a new voice cast of these incredibly well-known characters, they were able to talk about their experience recording their lines in the booth
Famitsu published an interview with Bravely Default 2 Producers Tomoya Asano and Masashi Takahashi. The duo previously worked together on the Bravely Series and on Octopath Traveler. The interview focuses on how past games of these series influenced Bravely Default 2‘s development. 4/16(木)発売の週刊ファミ通(4/30号)は、 SQEX浅野チームが手掛ける注目タイトルを特集! 表紙を飾るのは 【#ブレイブリーデフォルト2】の4人。 背景には、他作品のキャラクターたちも! SQEX生島直樹氏の描き下ろしです Amazonでのご予約はこちらhttps://t.co/NGSezG8OHn pic.twitter.com/TDnBkXrtX4 — 週刊ファミ通@毎週木曜発売 (@WeeklyFamitsu) April 13,
In 2019, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice launched and was notable for its difficulty curve. It was this unchangeable difficulty that found discussions come forth where disabled players were wanting to experience the game with assists or a difficulty that suited their capabilities. Of course, abled players jumped in on the conversation, trying to “defend” the
DOOM Eternal has proven itself to work surprisingly well in tandem with other game franchises. With its release in March, the internet went wild with crossovers between the Doom Slayer and Isabelle from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Naturally, with Final Fantasy VII Remake arriving today, having the Doom Slayer paired with Cloud seems like the next best
With the coronavirus pandemic continuing to have a hold on numerous businesses and industries around the world, the games industry has seen several challenges in the wake of the pandemic. Development especially has been difficult for some studios with employees having to work from home and practice social distancing, leading to limitations on what can
It’s time for the reunion. The calendar turned to April 10 in Japan a few hours ago, which means Final Fantasy VII Remake has officially released in the country. To commemorate the game’s long-awaited launch, Square Enix released a new illustration from Tetsuya Nomura — Remake’s director and the character designer for the original 1997
This Thursday’s Famitsu Magazine (Weekly Famitsu Magazine April 23, 2020) includes 77 pages on Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The magazine recaps all the information published by Square Enix prior release. Moreover, it has a retrospective of all Final Fantasy VII related material (even Ehrgeiz). The magazine also includes an interview with Cloud’s seiyuu Takahiro Sakurai.