Month: December 2020

Kadokawa and railway operator Tokyu Corporation announced a Persona 5 Royal (PS4, PS5) riddle game rally taking place in the train stations of the the Tokyu Toyoko Line. The game is titled the Tokyu Line Riddle Game Rally x Persona 5 The Royal Mysterious Railway QQQ. It’s pronounced “three Q” and probably a reference to
Back in October, rumors started to float around that Sony Pictures would soon be scooping up Crunchyroll. The popular streaming service has a massive worldwide audience, especially when you consider that Sony already has Funimation under its umbrella. Adding Crunchyroll’s more than 90 million users to the team makes a ton of sense. Today, they’ve
Cyberpunk 2077 has been possibly one of the most highly-anticipated video games from CD Projekt Red. A futuristic RPG that has seen delays, reports of transphobia, and crunch culture, as well as the studio also refusing to share information about the game’s accessibility. As a result, disabled players continued to be ignored as they requested
It’s December 10, which means that players have been able to jump into CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077, and while console users may have had to wait until midnight in their localized territories, PC users saw a simultaneous unlock. As it happens, for Steam specifically, the statistics have been huge, hitting over 1 million players. According to
On December 9, Japanese and Chinese studio PeroPeroGames sent its staff a message notifying them they all have December 10 as a day off to play Cyberpunk 2077 . The PeroPeroGames Twitter account shared a comical tweet explaining the situation. 明日は時空乱流が発生し、一部の地域では短期間で2077年に飛び込む現象が発生する見込みでございます。社員の安全を保証するため、弊社では明日中臨時休暇とさせていただきます。 中の人も2077年に出かけますので、ご承知おきください。 明後日からは通常営業となります。 — PeroPeroGames (@PeroPeroGuys) December 9, 2020 The tweet from the PeroPeroGames
In a tweet from Geoff Keighley, vocalist Lyn Inaizumi will be performing music from Persona 5 during this week’s The Game Awards. “#TheGameAwards is heading to Tokyo on Thursday for a special world premiere Persona musical performance featuring @lyn_Inaizumi during the pre-show.” #TheGameAwards is heading to Tokyo on Thursday for a special world premiere PERSONA
In a tweet from Geoff Keighley, Square-Enix’s NieR Replicant 1.22 will be shown off during this week’s The Game Awards. “Don’t miss a brand new look at @NieRGame Replicant ver.1.22474487139 during #TheGameAwards pre-show on Thursday — streaming at 6:30 pm ET/ 3:30 pm PT at,” said Keighley. Don’t miss a brand new look at @NieRGame
Gears 5 fans have likely been enjoying the Xbox Series X/S update the team dropped alongside the consoles’ launch. However, you have to imagine fans are left wishing for something new to play within the universe. Thankfully, The Coalition has some great news. Launching December 15, Hivebusters is a new campaign expansion that adds some