Metro Redux Finds a New Home with a Quality Port on Nintendo Switch

Bundle, Editorials, Featured, First Person, First Person Shooter, Games, Main, Metro, metro 2033 redux, Metro Exodus, Metro Redux, Metro-2033, Metro: Last Light, metro: last light redux, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch port, Originals, Port, ports, Shooter, Switch

Metro Redux, a two-game collection that includes the remasted versions of critically acclaimed post-apocalyptic first-person-shooters Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light, is available on Nintendo Switch as of now. 2010’s Metro 2033 and 2013’s Metro: Last Light join a plethora of games that are being ported over to Nintendo’s hybrid system following its overwhelming success with consumers. However, not all Switch ports are of good quality; Ark Survival Evolved, WWE 2K18, and Overwatch are among some of the worst Switch ports. On the positive side, some companies have seemingly solved the porting-puzzle as both Doom and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt have very solid Switch ports. I’m happy to report that with Metro Redux, two more competent ports join the Switch’s ever-expanding library.

For newcomers to the Metro series, the games are based on post-apocalyptic novels by Russian author Dmitry Glukhovsky. Moscow’s surviving civilians live underneath the city in old subway tunnels, where they take shelter from dangerous mutants roaming the gloomy radiated world. They’ve created makeshift towns beneath the surface but must wander into the dangerous subway tunnels to travel between encampments. It’s a world where everyone is motivated by self-preservation and will go to any means to achieve it; meaning that along with mutants, armed bandits are lurking in the dark tunnels.

Above all else, the Metro games are survival games. This means your ammunition is more important than ever because aside from being your primary form of defense from mutants, it’s also your form of currency. Each bullet you waste on a cave-dwelling bandit brings you further away from purchasing a weapon upgrade or a med-pack that could help keep you alive.

Graphically these ports are very-solid; Metro 2033 looks better than I remember it looking during my brief time with the game on PC. Aside from graphical performance, I was happy to see that the game offers many different sensitivity settings. Personally, I found the standard sensitivity far too slow and limiting in combat. However, 4A Games offers options to change sensitivity while aiming, while walking, and offers an inverted camera option. This isn’t to say that these ports are without their issues. In order to sprint, you must push down the stick; this felt buggy sometimes because my sprinting speed was determined by where my finger was when I first started pressing down.

Metro Redux - Moscow's Atmospheric Tunnels and Haunting Mutants Find a New Home on Nintendo Switch

While the Switch ports are very true to the original Redux versions of the games, that isn’t all good news. Issues that were present in the original versions of the games are still present here; this is a port, not an improvement. That means enemies clip into the floors and walls. Enemies clipping is nothing new to Metro; however, to someone like myself who is inexperienced when it comes to playing shooters with sticks, it leads to some deaths feeling very unfair.

My biggest gripe with these ports is definitely the loading times. Every Switch port seems to take a hit somewhere; The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt took that hit to its graphics, and Metro Redux took it to the loading times. The average loading time between areas or chapters is probably around 60-90 seconds. However, the main character, Artyom, has voice-acted monologues during these loading screens, which are important to the story and take up the first 40 or so seconds of each loading screen, making them slightly more bearable. Ultimately, I think that longer loading times–although upsetting–are a small price to pay for high-quality graphics on Switch ports. But on that same page, Metro Redux released in 2014, so I wasn’t expecting it to need these long loads, even on the Switch hardware.

The atmospheric horror elements, and intriguing plot that originally made the Metro games stand out still exists. When I first tried Metro Redux years ago on PC, it lost my attention after a few hours. It’s a slower-pace shooter, and not what I was looking for at the time. On the Nintendo Switch, I found myself quietly sneaking through the menacing shadows of the metro and finally playing the titles to completion. Metro Redux on Nintendo Switch is an amazing opportunity for newcomers to drop into the tunnels laying under Moscow’s ruins.

Developer 4A Games has come close to mastering atmospheric survival-horror shooting games with the Metro series, making it no surprise that they’ve been remastered and made available on essentially every platform. Realistically, Metro Redux on Switch provides an identical experience to the PC, Xbox One, and PS4 versions, only with longer loading times. Therefore, If the Switch is your console of choice, and you’ve yet to give Metro Redux a shot, there is no better time than now to jump into the tunnels.

Both Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light take place before last year’s Metro Exodus which just recently released on Steam after a year of Epic Games Store exclusivity. It will be interesting to see if Metro Exodus eventually finds it’s way onto Nintendo Switch, and if it ever does, we will be covering it here on DualShockers.

The post Metro Redux Finds a New Home with a Quality Port on Nintendo Switch by Josh Starr appeared first on DualShockers.

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