Following an initial leak, miHoYo has officially revealed its plans for the Genshin Impact Version 2.0 livestream, which will fully introduce Inazuma, reveal the Ayaka, Yoimiya banners release dates, new Archon Quests, and Events. Inazuma is the third region of Teyvat – the world of Genshin Impact – that the Traveler will go to in
Kazuha is out in Genshin Impact as the first playable character originally from Inazuma, and his seiyuu Shimazaki Nobunaga finally managed to pull him. In case you haven’t been following the seiyuu scene, Nobunaga Shimazaki’s popularity exploded these past few years. Seeing he voiced one after another major roles from Eugeo in Sword Art Online
The Q&A event is back in Genshin Impact for some Mora rewards, and some questions are much more difficult than others, one of them being “Which of the following items cannot be converted using the parametric transformer”. In theory, you could simply check which materials are allowed by logging in game, but seeing the Parametric
The Geofront Team who fan translated The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki, have officially partnered up with NIS America for official localization of the games: Trails From Zero and Trails to Azure, bringing the Crossbell arc to PS4, Switch, and PC officially in the west. The announcements were made at
Scarlet Nexus is an upcoming RPG title by Bandai Namco that will revolve heavily around combat, and as with most combat driven games, knowing how to heal is extremely important. There are a total of three different ways that players can regenerate their health in Scarlet Nexus. So, to get you ready for the big
miHoYo surprise launched Distant Voyage, a new web event for Genshin Impact, ahead of Version 1.6’s second half and the release of Kazuha. Web Events are always an easy way to grab some Primogems, and this new event, Distant Voyage, is no exception. Play the event here. KAZUHA – Banner release date, 4* characters with