
Ever since No Man’s Sky was announced, I’ve been incredibly interested in the idea of procedurally generated games. And even when the game didn’t end up being what was promised, I knew that the concept of procedurally generated games still had potential. My optimism mainly stemmed from the fact that it essentially allows for an unlimited amount of replayability
Whether you love it or hate it, developer Fullbright’s Gone Home was nothing short of an anomaly among the core gamer contingency. Simultaneously praised as the best game of last generation and derided as a walking simulator that can be beaten in under a minute, the genre-bending first-person experience title instantly gave the star developer
The brand new chapter of the God of War saga is finally here, but if you expect all that much in common with Kratos’ tribulations from the past, you’ll probably be disappointed, or at least extremely surprised. It’s time to clear our mind of all preconceptions and embark into a brand new adventure. The most
MINIT, the newest offering from publisher Devolver Digital, begins without any semblance of pomp or ceremony. There are no opening cutscenes or congested menu screens to sift through. Upon starting the game, you simply wake up in a house with no directives. If you wander outside, you’ll quickly find a cursed sword that kills you
While I am not typically the biggest fan of the RTS genre, Nintendo’s more puzzle-focused take on the strategy — Pikmin — has always stuck with me. Micromanaging cute little alien creatures, each with unique abilities, clicked with me more than “pure” RTS games, and I still consider it one of Nintendo’s most underrated series. Unfortunately, we
Next to Nintendo, Rare is responsible for my love of video games. Banjo Kazooie, Battletoads, and Killer Instinct are some of my favorites in their respective genres. Every game I have played from the British developer has this charm that you can’t help but smile at with gameplay that is both creative and fun. These
The World Conqueror series has made the transition from mobile to… mobile — well, handheld. The Switch iteration doesn’t do much different, and in no way pushes the RTS genre in any way. But if you’re looking for a bite-sized strategy game on the handheld-hybrid, look no further, World Conqueror X might just scratch a strategic itch. If you’re
Ever since the beginning of the Arland Trilogy in 2010, I have been a fan of the Atelier series. The game provides a sense of relaxation that other RPGs don’t offer due to their emotionally heavy story or dark setting. The Atelier series has seen many iterations and improvements to the core systems over the years but
Rarely can any game series capture the spirit of adventure in quite the same way that the Far Cry series is able to. Often placed in novel environments and pitted against insurmountable odds, Ubisoft has long-since studied the art of open-world game design and settled on a generally satisfying formula for the Far Cry series: climb tower, reveal missions, liberate
The colonization of outside worlds has been explored in video games for decades. Red Faction, Doom, Mass Effect, and more have all brought human life to the red planet. However, there haven’t been many that put you in direct control of the colonization process. Sure, it has been explored to a certain degree but the
The opening hours of The Long Reach are incredibly intriguing, and the story remains interesting throughout. Things can sometimes get a little confusing and dialog can sometimes make the tone of the game feel a bit uneven. But I am happy to say that if you’re looking for a bite-sized thriller to jump into that won’t take
Sometimes there are games that only a niche group of fans know about it. You hear whispers about it during small meet-ups with friends or maybe some cosplayer will inform you that their attire is from this game that they love, but you’ve never heard about. For me, Yume Nikki was always that game throughout high
Kingdom Come: Deliverance from Warhorse Studios caught my eye shortly after its initial crowdfunding campaign. Its amazing hook of being a very realistic RPG about a character who isn’t a genre stereotype “chosen one.” Instead, you are venturing through a historically-accurate Bohemia during medieval times, making the game stand out from all other RPGs on