
As we approach All Hallows’ Eve, Fortnite Battle Royale only seems to be getting spookier. Even with a new multiplayer season centered around a haunted castle, invisibility-granting Shadow Stones, and “corrupted areas,” Epic Games appears to be upping the ante with an upcoming event straight-up called “Fortnitemares.” While Epic hasn’t revealed specific details on Fortnitemares
While anyone who casually follows and plays Fortnite is likely used to seeing news of tournaments with professionals, new in-game tournaments will allow anyone to join the fray. Initially leaked by accident on October 11, Epic Games officially made the announcement today on their blog that In-Game Tournaments for Fortnite are beginning tomorrow, October 16. The
Just like Fortnite Battle Royale requires frequent updates, so does the game’s original mode — Save the World. For everyone who has invested in the non-free to play version of the game, Epic will be adding new locations, changing up the structure of matchmaking, and adding some new missions to the mix come in Update 6.10 Speaking in
Sony made the completely unexpected announcement that Fortnite would have cross-platform play and progression with PlayStation 4 and competing consoles Xbox One and Nintendo Switch—now, Epic Games is getting into the nitty-gritty, promising the feature of account merging for this November. The feature is important to many who own multiple consoles; initially, those who had
The holiday season is right around the corner and console manufacturers have the bundles to prove it. Earlier today, during a new Inside Xbox broadcast, Microsoft announced the Xbox One S Fortnite bundle which, you guessed it, is a bundle pairing an Xbox One S console and Epic Games’ battle-royale Fortnite. The Xbox One S
Early this morning, patch v5.21 for Fortnite was officially released to the world, and it contained some pretty awesome stuff, to say the least. What’s not awesome though, is that Epic Games, the developer behind the massively popular shooter, is reporting an increase in crashes after the update’s release, so be wary. Luckily, the developer has identified the