Fortnite Teases Halloween Event “Fortnitemares” Through Cryptic Tweets

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As we approach All Hallows’ Eve, Fortnite Battle Royale only seems to be getting spookier. Even with a new multiplayer season centered around a haunted castle, invisibility-granting Shadow Stones, and “corrupted areas,” Epic Games appears to be upping the ante with an upcoming event straight-up called “Fortnitemares.”

While Epic hasn’t revealed specific details on Fortnitemares as of yet, some mysterious tweets from the official Fortnite account have a lot to hint at. It is quite obvious that this event will bring new Halloween-themed skins and emotes, with a tweet starting off with a mention of “costumes and dancing,” but the tweet continues as a rhyme, possibly hinting at some gimmicky skins with “They could be friendly, / Or a ghoul in disguise.”

A tweet the next day contained the rhyme: “Tombstones quake, / Keep your finger steady. / The circle will close, / Better be ready.” While I couldn’t speculate much on the image of the corrupted cube being chained in the tweet’s image, the words do indeed make it sound as if some new limited time mode is coming for this event.

And just this morning, the Fortnite account tweeted out yet another rhyme, with the featured image focusing on a revolver. Fortnite fans will undoubtedly remember that the revolver was “vaulted” and taken out of the game indefinitely last month, so this tweet could be heralding its triumphant return. I’ve also seen some speculation that this could be hinting at a limited time mode revolving around, er, revolvers and a limited amount of ammo, a la “One in the Chamber.”

Whatever the case, the teases look like they will keep on coming. It will be interesting to see if Epic does any similar Halloween hijinx with the Save the World mode, which recently had its free-to-play debut delayed out of 2018. On the off-chance that any parents with kids who enjoy Fortnite and are somewhat confused by it are reading this, be sure to check out our parents’ guide to the game. Meanwhile, feel free to sound off in the comments on your own takes of these teases.

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