
Type-Moon, DelightWorks and Aniplex held a special live stream for the 5th anniversary of FGO this August 10. Multiple announcements were made (for the JP FGO server only needless to say). Most notably, new Servant Artoria Caster was revealed. A swimsuit event was announced and will be held in mid-August, will be summer camping themed.
As of 2020, FGO now reached its 5th anniversary. For the occasion, a new project, Under the Same Sky, is celebrating the 5th anniversary of Type-Moon’s gacha game. 【カルデア広報局より】 FGO5周年記念企画「under the same sky」ついに解禁!本日、関東の朝刊に登場したサーヴァントをサイトにて公開。 楽しんでくれたすべての人に届くよう、この企画は日本を縦断します。 次は5月25日、東海北陸地方です。お楽しみに。https://t.co/3KY3rrs5u0#FGO #FGO5周年 pic.twitter.com/nkiZxoOKTf — 【公式】Fate/Grand Order (@fgoproject) May 4, 2020 Under the Same Sky is one of the multiple projects celebrating