Where to Find Pine Wood in Genshin Impact? Furniture Material Map Locations

Genshin Impact, Guides, mobile, Originals, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch

Genshin Impact 1.5 is one of the biggest updates the game ever added, most notably introducing the Housing system, also officially called the Homeworld or Serenity Pot – here’s our guide on where to find Pine Wood, and how to farm it efficiently to craft Furnishings.

Version 1.5 “Beneath the Light of Jadeite” Trailer | Genshin Impact

Version 1.5 “Beneath the Light of Jadeite” Trailer | Genshin Impact
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Pine Wood is most notably used to craft Sub-Space Boulders. Which allow you to modify the terrain of your Adepti abode. Meaning you’ll need a huge amount of Pine Wood if you wish to be very creative with the geography inside your Serenitea Pot.

Genshin Impact – Pine Wood farm spot in Mondstadt

Genshin Impact Pine Wood location Mondstadt

The easiest farming spot for Pine Wood you have access to is right in Mondstadt, near the first Teleport Waypoint. You have 7 Pine Trees you can farm Pine Wood from.

Note that when hitting trees, no matter what type of Wood it is, you only get three pieces. So the efficient way to farm is to hit a tree 3 times and then move on to the next tree.

Moreover, note that since it’s been less than 24 hours since the 1.5 update, the refresh and respawn time for Wood materials is currently unclear. However judging from other materials in Genshin Impact, it’s likely there’s a 24 hours countdown.

Each of these Pine Trees will give you 3 pieces of Pine Wood. That’s 21 pieces you can easily get every day as you teleport to Mondstadt.

Pine Wood locations in Dragonspine

You can mainly find Pine Wood in the Dragonspine area. The easiest farm point is right below the Statue of the Seven teleport point. Just teleport there and then jump down to find several Pine Trees for Wood.

Keep in mind you can check for more locations with the Interactive Map.

We will be soon publishing more and more guides for the Serenitea Pot and Housing system so stay tuned. Genshin Impact 1.5 is available on PS4, PS5, PC, iOS, and Android.

The post Where to Find Pine Wood in Genshin Impact? Furniture Material Map Locations by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.

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