Following a tease back in August, Fatshark revealed the sequel to its popular co-op game Warhammer Vermintide, aptly titled Warhammer Vermintide II.
The game will come with a considerably improved feature set, including four-player co-op, visceral melee combat, five heroes with fifteen career paths, a Heroic Deeds system, an improved loot system, talent trees, new enemies, new weapons, mod support, new locations, and dedicated servers.
Beta sign-ups are also open at the official website.
The fifteen career paths will have different abilities, talents, and weapons, and they will be needed because a new threat is coming. The verminous Skaven will be paired with the evil Warriors of Chaos.
The Heroic Deeds system includes consumable quests that can alter enemy composition, level settings, weapon use, and mission objectives. At the end of each mission, the improved loot system will grant you weapons, consumable quests, trinkets, hats, crafting material and more for your career path of choice, which you’ll be able to progress through the new talent trees.
The new locations are set in and around Helmgart, a fortress city protecting the Bretonnian border of the Empire.
The game will release in Q1, 2018 for PC, and will also come for PS4 and Xbox One.
Below you can check out a reveal trailer with gameplay, and lots of 4K screenshots.