Stoner-Inspired Koala Detective Game STONE Launches Today Alongside Its Own Beer

convict, News, Originals, PC, STONE, Trailers

Most every game gets a launch day, but rarely do games get a beer pairing. Sure, Fallout 4 got some awesome Blue Lemonade Nuka-Cola sodas to commemorate their launch, but what about tiny indie games? In steps underdog developer Convict Games with their weed-inspired title: STONE.

Revealed by the developers earlier today, select bars down under–specifically Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sidney–will be showcasing a limited edition Koala PI, Stoner Noir beer by Wayward Brewing. The beer is described as a “Dank Black IPA” so you better imagine you will be tasting the hops. Given that hops are found within the hemp family (Editor’s Note: the more you know! ~L), “dank” would be an appropriate use as a descriptor. And if you were wondering just how limited it is, the beer should only be available for one day–specifically today.

In case you haven’t heard of STONE, the game is a stoner-inspired riff off of classic cult movies. Players take on the role of private eye Stone as he bungles a search for his missing friend. Featuring full-length movies and MIDI pads for creating your own beats, the game shamelessly taps into a certain market, but that’s what Convict’s… erm… Chief Convict Gregory Louden wants:

STONE may not be for everyone, but it’s overflowing with references and inspiration that we know will resonate with many that share our affinity for underground art.”

In case you were looking to try out STONE, you can grab the game now on PC (via Steam) for $14.99. Meanwhile, check out the game’s launch trailer below:

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