Rainbow Six Siege May Get Other Ubisoft Characters as Operators

Eric Tremblay, Jean-Baptiste Halle, News, Originals, PC, PS4, rainbow six, Rainbow Six: Siege, Splinter Cell, Ubisoft, Xbox One

It seems there may be a chance an existing Ubisoft character will join Team Rainbow in the company’s popular competitive first-person shooter Rainbow Six Siege.

Last week, I interviewed Rainbow Six Siege game designer Jean-Baptiste Halle in regards to the newest content update, Operation Steel Wave. At the end of the interview, I asked, “If you could add any Ubisoft character from any franchise in the company’s history to Siege, who would it be and what would their gadget be?” I expected a fairly straightforward answer, however, there was some hesitance in Halle’s response.

“Ah, that is a very interesting question. I think I have to pass on this one because you’re hitting an interesting question. Honestly, a lot of them,” says Halle. “A lot of them, I think, could be interesting additions. There is a lot of characters in Ubisoft’s portfolio that could make very interesting additions in our roster. Just keep an eye on the next Operator additions this year and you might get some interesting new people coming into the roster. That’s all I can say so far.”

While it isn’t concrete confirmation, it definitely seems like there is something in the works in terms of bringing another Ubisoft character to Rainbow Six Siege. I also asked the game’s Producer, Eric Tremblay, the same question. He also began his answer with some slight hesitance but gave a more straightforward answer.

“Mhm… That is an interesting question. I’m a fan of Splinter Cell, so Sam Fisher would be great, for sure. But I doubt we’ll be able to do 3D nav in Rainbow Six Siege,” says Tremblay. “Ding Chavez is an interesting character from a former Rainbow Six game, but we don’t have the rights to Ding Chavez. But that would be interesting. I don’t know, these are the two that, maybe, fits the most in the universe.”

Again, none of this seems to be confirmation that a Ubisoft character from an existing franchise is coming to Rainbow Six Siege. However, from the responses above, it certainly seems to be a possibility. Looks like we will have to wait for the rest of this year’s Operators to be revealed.

This does seem to be a more positive response to the aforementioned question. Back in August 2019, I interviewed former Rainbow Six Siege presentation director Alex Karpazis where he said, “I think we’re doing a lot of work in sharing our Operators and not bringing them into our game right now. So, there is still a lot to explore there.” I also asked him if Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot was an Operator, what would his gadget be? You can check out the full responses to those questions here.

If you want to see everything coming with the Rainbow Six Siege Y5S2 update Operation Steel Wave, check out our guide.

The post Rainbow Six Siege May Get Other Ubisoft Characters as Operators by Michael Ruiz appeared first on DualShockers.

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