Lovecraftian Horror Adventure Title The Land of Pain Launches for PC with a Harrowing Trailer

Alessandro Guzzo, News, Originals, PC, The Land of Pain, Trailers

Alessandro Guzzo released a demo for his survival horror title The Land of Pain earlier this year, providing the opportunity for a taste of his Lovecraftian experience. Since then, the developer has been addressing the feedback provided by the gaming community to improve on the experience. Today, he announced the game’s official launch on PC.

The Land of Pain is a Lovecraftian survival horror adventure title that begins when something strange appears in the woods. Soon, you discover that life is about to change forever as you flee from the evil that has entered our world.

As an unarmed individual, you must run, hide, and explore the sprawling environment dotted with buildings, caves, swamps, graveyards, and more. You will also need to solve puzzles to better understand the mystery of this new world. Just be careful when using your lantern, as the light only makes you more vulnerable to the enemy that hunts you.

The Land of Pain is now available on Steam and Humble for $9.59, which is 20% of its set price as a result of the game’s early adopter promotion. After September 20, the game will be available for $11.99.

Along with the announcement of The Land of Pain‘s release, a launch trailer has also been revealed. You can watch this new trailer in the video provided below.

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