Indie Rogue-Lite Metallic Child is Launching This October

David Han, Metallic Child, News, Originals, PC, Platforms, PS4, Studio HG, Switch, Trailers, Video

Studio HG announced that its next game, Metallic Child, will be launching on October 15. Metallic Child will be available on PC, PS4, and Nintendo Switch.

Developed with Unity, mixing rogue-lite and top-down action, Metallic Child looks really great for an indie game. Especially considering Studio HG is a one-man studio.

The story stars Rona, a broken android girl that players must communicate with. Rona is on a certain mission but is hindered by the “Metallic Child”, android robots attacking her for some reason. As the first ever developed Metallic Child, Rona is much more human-like than the others and she strives to complete her mission. Story-wise, players will need to communicate with Rona as she fights, to help her find the truth behind her mission and the real purpose of the Metallic Child project.

Gameplay-wise, players control Rona directly, in a series of battles triggered while exploring levels. Rona’s fighting abilities are similar to what you’d find in a traditional fighting game. She can use high or low attacks, throws, etc. As she defeats enemies, Rona can also absorb their cores and use their abilities. Rona’s moves are also different depending on one of the four fighting styles she’s currently using, and the game has over 50 weapons each with different skills.

Metallic Child also encourages scoring, with each battle being followed by a results screen with a grade given to the player depending on their performance. Rona also has access to multiple power-ups, and players will also need to be wary of her various energy levels as they progress through stages. Metallic Child also has some fun subtle references to things such as Hokuto no Ken so I’m particularly looking forward to it.

The trailer for Metallic Child is included below.

The post Indie Rogue-Lite Metallic Child is Launching This October by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.

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