Genshin Impact Ver 1.2 Will Let You Restart Domains Faster And Auto Collect Rewards

#GenshinImpact, Genshin, Genshin 1.2, Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Dragonspine, Genshin Impact Dragonspine area, Genshin Impact Dragonspine version 1.2, Genshin Impact Travel Log section, Genshin Impact Ver 1.2, Genshin Impact Ver 1.2 Domains, Genshin Impact Ver 1.2 update, Genshin Impact Version 1.2 Domains, Genshin Impact Version 1.2 Leaked, Genshin Version 1.2, Inazuma, MiHoYo, mobile, News, Originals, Paimon, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Teyvat, 原神, 原神1.2, 原神1.2アプデ, 原神1.2アプデ情報, 原神Ver.1.2クローズドテスト, 원신

miHoYo started officially detailing some of the Domains updates coming December 23 in Version 1.2 of Genshin Impact (PC, PS4, PS5, Mobile, soon on Switch). In Version 1.2, players will be able to restart Domains right after clearing them. Without having to exit and re-enter the Domains. Another very important change is that rewards from Domains will now be automatically added to your inventory. You won’t need to pick the rewards up manually anymore after spending Original Resin to spawn them.

This will make the process of farming Domains much more faster and streamlined. Can’t say it’ll be any more entertaining though. But that’s grinding for you. The Artifacts system in particular, with the impossibility to reroll their substats, makes a lot of the current endgame in Genshin being repeating Artifacts Domains over and over. It’s just one thing that’s intrinsically bundled with the hack’n’slash and JRPGs elements of the game.

Q4: I wish I could repeat a Domain without having to leave and re-enter.
A4: In Version 1.2, Travelers will be able to choose to repeat a Domain challenge from inside the Domain. No more leaving and re-entering!

Q5: I frequently miss out on Domain and Ley Line blossom drops. Having to manually collect them is very inconvenient.
A5: The developers have improved the Domain and Ley Line Outcrop rewards system. From Version 1.2, you won’t have to collect the drops yourself because they’ll be added straight to your Inventory.

Besides these changes to Domains, version 1.2 in Genshin Impact will also add a private chat, notes to friend lists. And a navigating function for custom map pins. On the story side, we’ll also get dialogue auto play, and Travel Log, a feature to rewatch previous dialogues from every completed quest. miHoYo previously told DualShockers a function like that could be coming at some point depending on feedback. It’s happening now.

Version 1.2 is planned to launch on December 23 and will add the Dragonspine area. Version 1.3 is planned for February 2021. Be sure to check our guides for Zhongli, Xinyan.and the reason why Zhongli is so popular in Japan.

The post Genshin Impact Ver 1.2 Will Let You Restart Domains Faster And Auto Collect Rewards by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.

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