Genshin Impact – miHoYo Details Zhongli Buff Coming Ver 1.3, Geo Shields Such As Noelle’s Gets Buffed Too

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After a teaser some days ago, miHoYo detailed on December 19 the buff Zhongli will get in the Closed Beta Test of Version 1.3 of Genshin Impact (PC, PS4, PS5, Mobile, Switch soon).

Note that all of the following is still subject to change. This is what will be implemented in Beta Test Version 1.3. However, following the feedback from this test, additional changes will be made when Version 1.3 actually releases in February 2021. In other words, please don’t start arguing forever about all the builds posted by YouTubers yet.

Buff to Zhongli’s Passive Talent “Dominance of Earth”

Right now:

This only increases the damage of Planet Befall (Elemental Burst) by an amount equal to 33% of Zhongli’s Max HP.

After the changes: The damage dealt by all of Zhongli’s physical attacks – Normal, Charge, and Plunging – will be increased by 1.39% of his Max HP. Moreover the increased damage of Planet Befall by +33% of Zhongli’s Max HP isn’t being removed.

For Zhongli’s Elemental Skill Dominus Lapidis: the damage of the Stone Stele, its Resonance, and Holding Mode will be increased by 1.9% of his Max HP.

Adjustment to Elemental Skill Dominus Lapidis’ Holding Mode

Right now:
Causes nearby Geo energy to explode, causing the following effects:
Creates a shield of jade. The shield’s DMG Absorption scales based on Zhongli’s Max HP, + has 250% Geo DMG Absorption. Deals AoE Geo DMG.
If there are nearby targets with the Geo element, it will drain a large amount of the Geo element from a maximum of 2 such targets. This effect does not cause DMG.

After the changes:
Causes nearby Geo energy to explode, causing the following effects:
If the maximum number of Stone Steles has not yet been reached, it will create a Stone Stele. Meaning holding the skill button will give you the same effects as tapping it, plus additional effects.

Creates a shield of jade. The shield’s DMG Absorption scales based on Zhongli’s Max HP, and has 150% Physical DMG and Elemental DMG Absorption. Meaning the shield will now have 150% absorption for any type of attack in the game.
Deals AoE Geo DMG.
If there are nearby targets with the Geo element, it will drain a large amount of the Geo element from a maximum of 2 such targets. This effect does not cause DMG.
The interruption resistance when using Dominus Lapidis’ Holding Mode will be greatly increased.

Adjustments regarding Geo Elemental Mechanics for All Geo Characters

Changes to Geo Resonance “Enduring Rock”

Right now:
Increases resistance to interruption. When protected by a shield, increases Attack DMG by 15%.

After the changes:
Increases Shield strength by 15%. Additionally, characters protected by a shield will have the following special characteristics: DMG dealt increased by 15%. Dealing DMG to enemies will decrease their Geo RES by 20% for 15s.

Changes to Geo Shields:
Not only the Geo Shield casted by Zhongli but all Geo Shields in the game are receiving a buff in version 1.3.  From “having 250% Geo DMG Absorption” to “having 150% Physical DMG and Elemental DMG Absorption”.
Meaning the Geo Shield created by Zhongli’s Elemental Skill, Noelle’s Elemental Skill, and when picking up Geo Crystals dropped by Geovishap Hatchlings, are all getting buffed.

miHoYo in a nutshell explained that instead of buffing Zhongli because players keep complaining about him, they took this occasion to try and rework Geo characters as a whole. Taking the “utmost care” to better balance Genshin overall.

Lastly, Personally, I believe all these changes, while not final, are very promising. And again shows that miHoYo really is listening to feedback. And as I explained in the past, at the very least, miHoYo is actually very receptive of feedback from English players in particular. On the other hand though, I hope that Zhongli getting buffed towards a role as a damage dealer rather than as a support doesn’t mean we’ll just keep getting DPS based content over and over. miHoYo previously teased that content that would make support characters more useful would be coming, and I hope it still is.

Genshin Impact will receive its version 1.2 update on December 23. Read all the details here.

The post Genshin Impact – miHoYo Details Zhongli Buff Coming Ver 1.3, Geo Shields Such As Noelle’s Gets Buffed Too by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.

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