Fallout 76 Gets New Gameplay Showing Character ID Badge Photo Mode and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. System

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During a panel from Quakecon, Bethesda’s very own Todd Howard provided more footage and information about the studio’s upcoming online survival game Fallot 76.

We get to see the Character ID Badge feature at the end of character creation (which according to Howard has been improved from previous games). This uses the game’s photo mode that lets you take a picture of your character. Incidentally, you can change your character’s look at any time during the game.

After that, the stream showcased the new S.P.E.C.I.A.L system based on hundreds of cards that you can swap in and out, and share with your companions.

When you level up you pick a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat that you want to increase, and you select a perk within it. The perk you choose is a card, and each card has a point cost to equip depending on its power. If you pick a card a second and third time, you can combine it with the previous one and create a more powerful version that costs more points.

There is no randomness when picking up cards while leveling, and you can pick any card you meet the requirements for. Interestingly, Charisma cards mostly influence groups (but there are a few for solo players).

Every few levels (initially every two levels, but then it changes to every five) you get a perk card pack that includes random cards. This gives you more interesting choices and flexibility thanks to cards you would have not intentionally picked.

The packs also include gold cards with animations, a slip with a joke, and a gum that reduces your hunger for a while.

When you reach level 50 you won’t get any more S.P.E.C.I.A.L points, but you will still get cards. This allows players to continue progressing horizontally with more options and flexibility, while also capping the power curve.

You can check out the videos below. If you want to learn more about the game you can check out plenty of new details, information about the upcoming B.E.T.A., and about the fact that the game won’t be released on Steam.

Fallout 76 will release worldwide on November 14th, 2018 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, and it can already be pre-ordered on Amazon.

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