Epic Games Moves Some of Paragon’s Development Team to Fortnite; Studio is Discussing Future of the Game

Epic Games, News, Originals, paragon, PC, PS4

Since it first debuted back in 2016, Epic Games’ MOBA Paragon has steadily maintained a passionate fanbase for those in the competitive multiplayer crowd among some heavy competition like League of Legends and Dota 2. However, in a post on the game’s subreddit (r/Paragon), Epic Games shared some details on the studio’s work regarding Paragon and, essentially, where the game is at currently and in its future development, which might see a bit of a bumpy road ahead for core players of the title.

Specifically, Epic stated that while the game’s community has been supportive of the many changes that have taken place over the game’s development, overall Epic was candid in saying that “none” of the updates or larger changes to the game have “been large enough to achieve mainstream success” in regard to growing Paragon to a wider audience.

In addition to that point, Epic also explained that a large portion of the studio’s current efforts have been shifted towards development on the studio’s recent success with Fortnite and, more specifically, its booming Battle Royale free-to-play mode, which has amassed over 40 million players across consoles and PC.

As a result of the growing needs to sustain Battle Royale‘s development, Epic explained that “a number of Paragon team members jumped onto Fortnite to help sustain the game,” with the studio adding that the game “has grown far larger than anything in Epic’s past.”

Epic stated that “work on Paragon continues” as the game’s v.45 version releases this week with some new updates and improvements, though the studio did explain that the company will be evaluating the game’s progress over the next few weeks to figure out “how we can evolve Paragon to achieve growth and success,” while adding that the game’s “release cadence” will be slower for the time being.

Paragon is available now on PS4 and PC.

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