Dragon Quest XI‘s release is coming close, and Square Enix is preparing to celebrate alongside the franchise’s previous chapter, Dragon Quest X.
The event will be a crossover between the two games, and will happen in two parts.
The first part will start on July 14th and end on August 14th. Dragon Quest XI character Sylvia will appear in Dragon Quest X. Just talking to him will grant a rather fabulous parade outfit, which you can see in action in the second video at the bottom of the post.
The second part will start on July 29th and end on November 15th. In Dragon Quest X players will have to approach a member of the Yocchi tribe at the church, and use Dragon Quest XI‘s “Spell of Restoration” passwords to receive reward items.
These include a pet yocchi, a Dragon Quest XI poster and character figurines for the in-game housing, and a gesture featuring a magazine (visible in the third video at the bottom of the post).
To advertise the event, Square Enix also released a Dragon Quest XI video showing Sylvia’s ownparade in Dragon Quest XI. You can check that out below.
If you want to see more about the game, you can watch some gameplay showing the same 3DS exclusive features, screenshots with the same focus, more screenshots displaying PS4 exclusive features, another batch showing Martina and Row, and an hilarious trailer dedicated to the PS4 version.
Dragon Quest XI will launch in Japan on July 29th for PS4 and 3DS, with a Nintendo Switch release also planned some time down the line.
Dragon Quest X will launch in Japan on PS4 on August 17th, while the Switch version will release on September 21st. It’s already available on Wii (about to be discontinued), PC, Wii U, and even on 3DS, iOS and Android via streaming. A new trailer has just been launched featuring the new versions.
【発売まであと23日!】『ドラゴンクエストXI』と『ドラゴンクエストX』のコラボ決定記念!冒険の仲間の一人、夢見る旅芸人シルビアのパレード動画を特別に公開! https://t.co/ZFBOSInSov #DQ10 #DQ11 #ドラクエ11 pic.twitter.com/xfUf6NEJFQ
— ドラゴンクエスト宣伝担当 (@DQ_PR) July 6, 2017