Dragon Ball FighterZ Brings Gotenks, Kid Buu, and Gohan (Adult) to the Fight

arc system works, Bandai Namce, Dragon Ball Fighterz, News, Originals, PC, Platforms, PS4, Trailers, Xbox One

Bandai Namco announced new fighters for the Arc System Works developed 2D fighter, Dragon Ball FighterZ, coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC-via Steam on January 26.

The publisher revealed that Gotenks, Kid Buu, and Gohan (Adult) will be added to the roster of playable fighters. As fans of the anime and manga franchise will know, Gotenks is the result of when characters Trunks and Goten successfully use the Fusion Dance to create a more powerful character with access to greater power and skills.

Gotenks is the first Fusion Dance character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series, and time will tell if he is the last Fusion character to be added to Dragon Ball FighterZ line-up. Additionally, he is wearing a blue and yellow Metamoran vest, which all Fusion dance characters wear.

Kid Buu is unpredictable and unremorseful for his actions, for this he can be seen a tough fighter. He has access to many powerful attacks that will be useful in the three character teams created by players.

Gohan (Adult) is the first hybrid character to appear in the Dragon Ball series. He is a combination of a human from Earth and a Saiyen. Although he doesn’t have the same passion for fighting as his father, Goku, he does defend the ones he loves.

Additionally, a new character trailer has been released for Gotenks, which you can watch below:

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