Co-Op Mode Coming to Underwater Survival Game Debris Later this Month

Debris, Galleries, Mac, Moonray Studios, News, Originals, PC, Platforms, Trailers

Last October, Moonray Studios soft-launched the single-player portion of its underwater survival game Debris on both PC and Mac. Now, over three months later, the studio has announced that a co-op mode will finally be added to the game on both PC and Mac on February 26.

For those of you who don’t know, in Debris you play as a pair of filmmakers who get trapped underwater in the Arctic. Meteoric debris were found at the bottom of the Arctic, so the two main characters Ryan and Sonya go to film a promotional video about the discovery. Unfortunately, there is an accident, and they are trapped underwater.

The goal of the game is to get to the surface, but players will have to face a variety of strange creatures and their own psychosis. The game was actually developed over three years with help from medical professionals in order to create a game that shows the impact psychosis can leave on a person. Narrative driven co-op games aren’t incredibly common, so Debris will likely become quite unique experience once the co-op mode launches later this month.

You can check out some screenshots of the game alongside a new trailer for the co-op mode below. Debris is currently available on PC and Mac.

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