The Arcade Crew

In a world of where sweeping landscapes and jaw-dropping visuals have become the norm, looking back to an older and more intense time is often considered a welcomed break. Blazing Chrome is set to catapult players back to the last century in a wave of no-nonsense shooter-inspired action. Blazing Chrome from Brazilian indie development team
Hibernian Workshop and The Arcade Crew released a new story based trailer for their methodical 2D action game Dark Devotion today. The video showcases the game’s unsettling world, an overly pious one that attempts to secure people’s devotion by make them suffer and sacrifice. The animated trailer doesn’t showcase any gameplay, instead opting to showcase
Publisher DotEmu recently established a new brand division of their company called The Arcade Crew that focuses on publishing retro-inspired indie games. The first title they announced was a Contra-inspired shooter titled Blazing Chrome, and today the publisher revealing the second game they will be bringing to PC and consoles this year. That title is