Call of Duty: WWII’s Headquarters Are Finally Populated, Following Launch-Window Woes

Activision, Call of Duty: WWII, News, Originals, PC, Platforms, PS4, sledgehammer games, Xbox One

For weeks now, players enjoying Call of Duty: WWII have been experiencing the game’s new “Headquarters” social space, well, without the social part. The hub world that is supposed to house up to 48 players has been acting as more of a ghost town, as server and connectivity issues handicapped the service, leaving players to open their supply drops all by themselves.

While connection issues were affecting the game’s multiplayer, with the game shifting temporarily to peer-to-peer servers, the developers at Sledgehammer Games realized that certain services within Headquarters were becoming unresponsive such as Orders, Collections, and Mail. Players were even unable to open their luckily-earned supply drops.

For weeks now, players have been limited in Headquarters to only having themselves and their parties present. This meant that things like the 1v1 arena and shootout challenges were underutilized.

Thankfully now, CharlieINTEL – a Call of Duty: WWII twitter feed – has reported players beginning to fill up Headquarters once more.

This means that I can finally open up all my rare supply drops in front of people to make them jealous unless I get pistol grips. Please, no more pistol grips.

Call of Duty: WWII is available now for the Xbox One, PS4, and PC. You can read more about Michael Condrey’s response to fan criticisms here, or check out the game’s most recent patch here.

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