Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season Two CDL Playlist is Under Fire by Fans and Pros

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is approaching its Season Two release today, which includes new content and game modes. While a lot of excitement surrounds the inclusion of the Modern Warfare 2 map Rust, many are criticizing the CDL Playlist. Since Black Ops 2, fans of CoD have begged for the addition of Ranked Play. The CDL Playlist created an initial wave of anticipation for the competitive fans, but hopes of having a ranked playlist are fading.

The CDL Playlist offers players the chance to hop into the competitive ruleset of the Call of Duty League. However, there is no ranking system. This is ridiculous considering the hype surrounding the franchised Call of Duty League. In a world where most multiplayer games have ranked systems, it makes no sense as to why Call of Duty still hasn’t added one. Ranked Play is a standard now. Games like Fortnite, Dota 2, Rocket League, and Overwatch all have a ranked playlist.

In addition, mobile esports have covered ranked play. Titles such as PUBG Mobile, Clash Royale, and even Call of Duty Mobile have included ranked playlists.

To some, this is seen as a step toward dedicated ranked play. To most, it’s a lazy and unacceptable addition. Joe “Merk” DeLuca, league analyst and ex-pro player, voiced his disappointment on Twitter. Anthony “Nameless” Wheeler, another CoD League analyst, simply stated that he wasn’t surprised by the playlist details.

Black Ops 4 was the last title in the series to offer a dedicated League Play. The matches followed the ruleset of the past Call of Duty World League. Because of this, modes were limited to Hardpoint, Control, and Search & Destroy. Things like weapons, perks, and scorestreaks were restricted. It was a dedicated mode that pulled in esports enthusiasts. The lack of ranked play in Modern Warfare is only pushing them away.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

The post Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season Two CDL Playlist is Under Fire by Fans and Pros by Crystal Mills appeared first on DualShockers.

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