Breakdancing Indie Game Floor Kids Revealed for Nintendo Switch; Launches Holiday 2017

Floor Kids, Hololabs, MERJ, News, nindies showcase summer 2017, Originals, Switch, Trailers

If you are anything like me, you’ve always wanted to break dance but just don’t have the rhythm to pull it off. Enter Floor Kids, the latest indie revealed for Nintendo Switch at the Nindies Summer Showcase 2017 which lets you lead a crew of breakdancing kids through the city “serve” others with your freestyle beats.

The gameplay, seen in the trailer below, utilizes a hand-drawn style bringing instant charm to the title. Meanwhile, the music has all been produced by Kid Koala — a Canadian based DJ who has worked on recent movies like Scott Pilgrim vs. the WorldThe Great Gatsby, and the recent (spectacular) Baby Driver.

The game sports both single and multiplayer modes, as well as traditional and touch controls — depending on the player’s preference. As you would imagine, the game is rhythm based, with the protagonist tasked with earning “rep,” building up your crew, and exploring the city.

The official release date for Floor Kids hasn’t yet been revealed yet by Canadian developer MERJ, nor do we know what other platforms this game will come to besides Nintendo Switch. However it will be a timed exclusive for the Nintendo platform, coming Holiday 2017.

With that said, check out the trailer and two screenshots below for a better idea of what this game looks like:

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