Bethesda Studios Confirms Fallout 76 Is Not Going Free-To-Play

News, Originals, PC, Platforms, PS4, Xbox One

This week there have been a few rumors floating around that Fallout 76 was going free-to-play after reports came in that physical copies of the game were in short supply in Australia. The shortage was noticed after a customer visited EB Games, a game retailer in Australia, and noticed the lack of Fallout’ness.

Well, it appears that the rumor was indeed fake. A user took to Twitter stating that they want their money back if Fallout 76 goes free-to-play. “Fallout 76 goes Free-to-Play, I want my money back. Straight up. 500 Atoms ain’t gonna cut it this time. As a diehard fan, there’d be no coming back to that slap in the face.”

Bethesda has responded to the Tweet with a simple “There is no truth to this rumor.”

Basically, no, Fallout 76 is not going free-to-play. You can see the response below.

Additionally, EB Games has been responding to those querying the rumor saying that the information is “categorically incorrect” and that the game remains “an active product”.

While the assumption that the lack of physical products on the shelves could be reason enough to believe the game is going free-to-play is a bit farfetched, although given the issues since launch it’s understandable why the assumption was made. To name a few reasons, there was the situation with the nylon bag, issues with the price of items in-game, and to start the year Nuke codes became inaccessible.

Fallout 76 is, however, receiving updates to fix issues, and there are wonderful stories being told from the nuclear wastelands, such as the story of the Dad’s who rebuilt a players C.A.M.P. There are also plans to introduce a new PvP mode and player vending this year sometime.

Fallout 76 is available now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

The post Bethesda Studios Confirms Fallout 76 Is Not Going Free-To-Play by Ben Bayliss appeared first on DualShockers.

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