Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 Gameplay Video Finally Gives Us A Look at Strategic Battles

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2, Focus Home interactive, News, Originals, PC, Tindalos Interactive, Trailers

We are a little under two months from the launch of Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2, but admittedly we still haven’t seen a ton of gameplay. We’ve gotten some decent but brief glimpses a gameplay through previous trailers, but never an in-depth video explaining the strategy game sequel’s mechanics. Fortunately, the finally changed today with the start of the Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 – Battle Overview video series, which will delve into different aspects of gameplay.

Part 1 of this series, which released today, highlights the overall basics one would need to know in order to get in started in one of Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2’s battles. The game contains twelve different factions for players to choose from, but once they delve into the battle players will actually begin stealthily concealed, though different factions function in unique ways when in stealth mode.

Once players engage in a conflict, they will have to keep the layout of the map, which is scattered with enemies and various kinds of debris, in mind. Each faction also has unique abilities when it comes to movement a positioning, which is critical in every battle. Afterwards, one must plan a smart strategy that takes advantage of their factions unique skills in order to maximize damage in the following flurry of lasers and explosions.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 was announced in January with a vague 2018 release date. That being said, we learned last month that the game had been pushed back until January 24, 2019, which is surprisingly exactly one year to the date after the game’s initial announcement. Eager fans will be able to try the game early though, as those who pre-order will gain access to Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2’s first beta, which will take place from December 5 until December 12.

Below, you can watch the first video in this new Battle overview series. Tindalos Interactive and Focus Home Interactive’s Battlefleet Gothic: Amarda 2 is currently just slated for PC and will launch on January 24.

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