Activision and EA CEOs Listed Amongst Most Overpaid in America

Activision, Andrew Wilson, Bobby Kotick, EA, News, Originals, PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One

In the midst of a variety of layoffs that have transpired in the gaming industry over the past few weeks, a larger discussion on the value of executives has started to take shape. Now, according to one new report, both CEOs at Electronic Arts and Activision are listed as some of the most overpaid in the entire United States.

Coming from As You Sow, this report lists the 100 most overpaid CEOs in the United States by taking into account how much these executives make compared to the average employee at said company. These calculations also other factors like shareholder return and votes against the pay package of the CEO by shareholders.

Among the 100 CEOs represented on this list are two from American video game publishers in both Activision and Electronic Arts. Activision’s CEO Bobby Kotick, in particular, is the “most overpaid” of the two and is listed 45th overall on the top 100. Andrew Wilson, the CEO of EA, is much further down on the list barely cracking the top 100 and listed at 98th.

In the grand scheme of things, this report doesn’t mean much and it likely won’t prompt any sort of change from either Activision or EA. Still, it’s interesting to read about and see especially in light of recent layoffs at both companies. The argument in recent weeks from many has been that if both these execs made less money, more jobs could’ve been saved. Kotick specifically has also had his job called for in recent weeks from Game Workers Unite.

If you’d like to check out the full list from As You So, you can find it here.

The post Activision and EA CEOs Listed Amongst Most Overpaid in America by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

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