11-11: Memories Retold Gets a Video Exploring the Game’s Soundtrack

11-11: Memories Retold, Iain Sharkey, News, Olivier Deriviere, Originals, PC, PS4, Stephen Long, Trailers, xbox, Xbox One

Xbox shared a behind-the-scenes video exploring the process of composing the soundtrack for the upcoming game 11-11: Memories Retold. Filmed at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London, the game’s composer Olivier Deriviere discusses the emotional impact the music will have on players and how it guides the story.

Known for composing video game soundtracks like Remember Me and Vampyr, Deriviere talks about how he worked very closely with the writers to express all the different emotions that war creates. Writers Iain Sharkey and Stephen Long also share how hands-on Deriviere was and how he would ask questions about the tone and emotion behind certain scenes in the game that nobody else would ask providing a fresh perspective for them.

The video also features the London Philharmonia Orchestra and the Pinewood Singers recording their parts for the soundtrack. Deriviere explains how the orchestra’s purpose of expressing “a lot of colors with Impressionism from the French composers” was important to create the emotional impact he desired in 11-11: Memories Retold. In contrast, the choir will not appear in the game too much, but rather when it is necessary to explain the mindset of the characters.

11-11: Memories Retold, a story-driven adventure game set in World War I, was announced earlier this year.

You can check out the full behind-the-scenes video below. 11-11: Memories Retold will be available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on November 9th.

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