Yasuhiro Kitao

FromSoftware, known for the Armored Core series and the Souls games, released on November 6th a new game for PSVR which is quite different from their recent titles: Déraciné. On November 8th, the game’s Japanese release day, a release event was held at Yodobashi Camera in Akihabara. The event’s MC was Misuzu Araki, and it featured Sony Japan Producer Masaaki Yamagiwa,
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is certainly one of the most anticipated games for next year, marking the return to a new IP for FromSoftware and its enigmatic Director Hidetaka Miyazaki, this time under Activision’s wide umbrella. In order to hear more about the upcoming game, DualShockers talked with FromSoftware Communication Manager Yasuhiro Kitao, who provided us (through