Inazuma Eleven: Orion no Kokuin

Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino tweeted about Inazuma Eleven Heroes Great Road on March 18, sharing a new development update on one of the most delayed games of the past ten years. 長らくお待たせしてしまっているイナズマイレブン英雄たちのグレートロードですが、お察しの通り、エンジンなどの切り替えもあり、開発は難航している状態です。4月までには、いつなのか、どういう形で出すのかなどの方針を発表できればと思っています。絵は未発表のものです。もうしばらくお待ちを。 — 日野晃博 (@AkihiroHino) March 18, 2020 Here’s a quick translation: Akihiro Hino: “I know you’ve been waiting for Inazuma Eleven Eiyuu Tachi
Level-5 renewed the official site for Inazuma Eleven: Heroes Great Road, revealing a new key visual showing multiple characters appearing in the game. However, the official site only mentions Inazuma Eleven: Heroes Great Road is coming in 2020 on PS4, Switch, iOS, and Android. Rather than a “Spring 2020” release like Level-5 previously announced, only
During a 15 minutes live stream held today, Level-5’s President Akihiro Hino personally addressed Inazuma Eleven fans, explaining the multiple delays Inazuma Eleven: Ares no Tenbin has suffered from. Hino-san started by explaining how Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin‘s game and anime projects were born. It was in order to release them a bit before the 2018 Football World Cup