Month: April 2020

Fallout 76 is getting the long-awaited Wasterlanders update tomorrow, and to prepare players for its arrival, an informational blog post was released, and it seems as if some players may need to prepare. With the latest blog post, it’s revealed that the new content coming in the Wastelanders update will affect some of the currently available C.A.M.P locations. What
Now that the global pandemic is going on and everyone is cooped up in their apartments and homes, people have spent many of that time finding ways to entertain themselves. One of those ways includes cleaning. At least I know I have. Many Switch owners have begun wiping down their systems and joy-cons with cleaning
While a lot of Final Fantasy fans are currently up to their nose in Final Fantasy VII Remake today, those dedicated to Final Fantasy XIV have been given some rather upsetting news. The highly anticipated 5.3 patch has been pushed back due to the coronavirus. Originally planned for June, the patch is going to have a collaboration with Nier:
In 2019, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice launched and was notable for its difficulty curve. It was this unchangeable difficulty that found discussions come forth where disabled players were wanting to experience the game with assists or a difficulty that suited their capabilities. Of course, abled players jumped in on the conversation, trying to “defend” the
In what has quickly become a trend for major sports leagues, MLB The Show 20 is serving as the proving grounds for a new tournament filled with Major League Baseball players. All 30 teams are represented in the new Players League. For participating, the MLB, the MLB Players Association, and Sony Interactive Entertainment are donating
DOOM Eternal has proven itself to work surprisingly well in tandem with other game franchises. With its release in March, the internet went wild with crossovers between the Doom Slayer and Isabelle from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Naturally, with Final Fantasy VII Remake arriving today, having the Doom Slayer paired with Cloud seems like the next best
With the coronavirus pandemic continuing to have a hold on numerous businesses and industries around the world, the games industry has seen several challenges in the wake of the pandemic. Development especially has been difficult for some studios with employees having to work from home and practice social distancing, leading to limitations on what can
Marcus Lehto has had an extraordinary career. His big break came when he joined up with Bungie in 1997 and worked on Myth: The Fallen Lords. After that, the company started working on Halo, which he co-created. Officially, he was the Creative Art Director at Bungie, and he made Master Chief, the iconic hulking green
The latest news from Amazon Game Studios on New World reveals that the game won’t be launching in May due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges that it has caused for developers at the studio. Announced by Scot Lane, game director behind New World, the game is now aimed to be released on August
If you’re like me, and you have an adoration for coffee, you’re probably wondering where Brewster is in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Well, someone has discovered some indication that perhaps the coffee brewing pigeon will be arriving through a later content update. Throughout Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the villagers tend to mutter about future events before they’ve actually
Prolific music artist Tsunku shared his wish to work on a new Rhythm Heaven game for Switch. (Shoutout to Game’s Talk for pointing it out) 俺もそう思います! みんなで声を高らかに! スイッチでなら一人も楽しいし、みんなでも楽しめるよね。 — つんく (@tsunkuboy) April 8, 2020 Over on Twitter, Tsunku answered a Japanese fan begging for a new Rhythm Heaven game on Switch. The fan said
It’s time for the reunion. The calendar turned to April 10 in Japan a few hours ago, which means Final Fantasy VII Remake has officially released in the country. To commemorate the game’s long-awaited launch, Square Enix released a new illustration from Tetsuya Nomura — Remake’s director and the character designer for the original 1997