Xbox One X Pre-Orders Sold Out at Major Japanese Retailers; No Day One in-Store Availability Planned

Microsoft, News, Originals, Platforms, Xbox One

The Xbox One X launches tomorrow (November 7th) in Japan, alongside the rest of the world. In order to get a better insight on the pre-order situation, the local website Game Watch inquired with pretty much all the major local retailers, including Yodobashi Camera, Bic Camera, Yamada Denki, Nojima and Joshin.

All mentioned that the initial stock of the console is fully sold-out with pre-orders, and there are no plans to have in-store availability on day one. Only Yamada Denki and Bic Camera added the caveat that there could be some units sold in the stores if their pre-orders are canceled. Yamada Denki is also going to accept pre-orders for the next shipment, but the delivery date is still to be determined.

This could mean one or two things: either we the Xbox One X is fairly popular in Japan, despite the fact that the standard Xbox One was basically ignored by local gamers, or the number of shipments for the country is very limited.

We’ll have a better understanding of the situation on  Wednesday, November 15th, when Media Create will disclose the hardware sale figures for this week.

If you want to know more about Xbox One X pre-orders, you can check out the comment we received from Xbox Games Marketing General Manager Aaron Greenberg, who also told us that fans can expect more Japanese games in the future.

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