Way to the Woods’ Enchanting Journey Glows in the New Trailer

Galleries, News, Originals, PC, PS4, Switch, Trailers, Way to the Woods, Xbox One

If you were to ask me a month ago if I would be getting excited about a video game focused around a deer’s spiritual journey, I would have called you insane. I’ve been in that territory, and it’s not pretty. Lo and behold, I am fawning (all puns intended) over Way to the Woods — a 3D exploration game brought to you by eighteen-year-old developer Anthony Tan. And I have no doubt you will be too after watching the trailer below.

Way to the Woods began making its round on Tumblr as far back as two years ago, with Tan and his crew of (sixteen-year-olds) being hailed wunderkinder. There aren’t a ton of details about the trailer, but Tan says it was very inspired by The Last of Us… but with deer. Gentle piano plays as the light guides you back to the woods. There is an almost coloring-book style to the art while the herd explores train tracks, cityscapes, and sewers with giant cats.

There is something endearing about Tan and his studio — a lack of pretention and professionalism that is charming in the indie space. When the trailer began picking up steam on communities like Reddit a day ago, it seems the developers had no idea it would take off. An official website hadn’t even been set up, leading to this exchange in the video description:

dang i wish i set that up earlier. you thought youd find more info about this game im making in the description? you thought wrong my dude go to the site. i’ll edit this later im so sleepy. edit: nvm it works now

For anyone looking forward to playing Way to the Woods, you can expect the game to come to PC in early 2019. Tan also mentioned that he is hoping to get the game out to consoles as well, which should be feasible given it is created in Unreal Engine 4. Either way, check out the trailer and gallery below:

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