VR Figure from Shining for PlayStation VR Gets First Screenshots of Your Shining Resonance Waifu

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On Saturday, we saw the first footage of Sega’s VR Figure from Shining, which will let fans interact with elven waifu from Shining Resonance Refrain Kirika Towa Alma on PlayStation VR.

Today Sega released the first batch of direct-feed screenshots of the experience, that apparently won’t be included in the parent game (that has already been launched in Japan).

The “game” will include two modes, “figure viewing mode” will let you appreciate Kirika from all angles, while “event viewing mode” will let you take the role of a character in the game during a date with Kirika herself.

We also get some release information. The game will launch in Japan on the PlayStation Store in summer 2018, while the price is still undecided. No western launch has been announced for now.

While Sega has not announced it, if I was a betting man, I’d expect Shining Resonance‘s many waifus besides Kirika to be added at a later date via paid DLC.

On the other hand, Shining Resonance Refrain will launch in the west this summer for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. If you’re interested, you can pre-order it on Amazon.

You can also watch the first trailer and the first gameplay in English.

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