Resident Evil Village

Say hello to Supermodel Ekaterina Lisinathe, the only Lady Dimitrescu that you’ll ever need. Get ready for more of the Tall Lady! As we start to approach Resident Evil Village‘s release date, lots of promotional images of the vampire lady is starting to appear on buses and stores in Hong Kong getting everyone pretty excited
Since you’ve clicked on this article, I’m assuming that you aren’t tired of seeing Resident Evil Village‘s Lady Dimitrescu just yet? Since the grand mistress of Castle Dimitrescu graced us with her presence back in Capcom’s Resident Evil showcase, people went crazy over the extremely tall lady that could, quite literally, break you in half.
Actress and movie scriptwriter Jeanette Maus, who has voiced a number of characters in Capcom’s upcoming Resident Evil Village, has tragically passed away. Maus is the voice of one of Lady Dimitrescu’s “daughters” that makes up the House of Dimitrescu. Maus, who is also an acting teacher and coach, appearing in Charm City Kings and Lynn
We all know about Resident Evil: Villages‘ Lady Dimitrescu and how the internet exploded in one massive thirst trap as soon as everyone laid eyes on the extremely “Tall Vampire Lady”. Unfortunately, due to Lady Dimitrescu’s elegant 8-foot tall hour-glass frame and those broad “I’ll break you in half” shoulders, her daughters have been somewhat