Kill la Kill The Game: IF

Today, Arc System Works revealed that they’ll be porting their upcoming anime-brawler Kill la Kill The Game: IF onto the Nintendo Switch. The Switch version will be releasing alongside the PS4 and PC version. It’ll be available in Japan as well as the west sometime in 2019. Two new playable characters were also revealed alongside the Nintendo Switch
As teased a while ago, Arc System Works showcased the first actual gameplay of  Kill la Kill The Game: IF at EVO 2018. We also learn some interesting information from the developers, alongside getting to watch some really fast gameplay that looks like a lot of fun. We learn that the studio decided to go with 3D instead
Today Arc System Works released a new batch of screenshots for its upcoming anime game Kill la Kill The Game: IF, in development by Aplus. Players can run around the field freely in all directions, and combos can be easily executed simply by pressing the attack button repeatedly. Depending on the directional input, the finishing