Cattle Call

Kadokawa Games revealed the first full-length gameplay trailer for Metal Max Xeno Reborn on PS4 and Switch. The trailer shows some cool tank battles against giant monsters, along with some exploration on foot. Over on Twitter, Metal Max producer Juntaro Kouno also shared some comments on the game. Certain Japanese fans were most notably worried
The official Twitter account for Metal Max Xeno revealed that a brand new Metal Max game is currently in development. To celebrate the Japanese one year anniversary of Metal Max Xeno, comments from Director Hiroshi Miyaoka and Producer Juntaro Kouno were published in two different tweets. 【ミヤ王の発売1周年記念感謝のつぶやき】 祝!『メタルマックス ゼノ』発売一周年! 光陰APFSDS弾の如し。 次回作のアイデアつーか妄想を、 作って眺めて壊して捨てて‥‥絶賛煮詰まり中! どこまで濃い一発をぶっぱなせますか、乞うご期待!#メタルマックスゼノ #メタルマックス — メタルマックス Xeno(ゼノ)【公式】 (@metalmaxxeno) April 19,