
2K and Gearbox announced a Borderlands V.I.P program called the Vault Insider Program. In it, you can earn points doing a variety of different activities. Those activities can include watching videos, redeeming codes, reading articles, and more. You can then redeem these points to receive rewards. Golden Loot Chest keys and computer wallpapers are current
In a response to fan questions on Twitter,  Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says that Slag weapons will not be returning to Borderlands 3 when it releases later this year. This is not the first time Pitchford has answered questions about the game on Twitter, as he recently discussed the reasoning behind the six-month exclusivity on the
On Saturday, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford responded to user LilMcFlurry on Twitter regarding why Borderlands 3 for PC is coming exclusively to the Epic Games Store for six months before Steam. In a very long series of tweets, Pitchford explains numerous reasons regarding their decision. Pitchford’s comments addressed store features, Epic’s business model compared to Valve’s, pro-consumerism,
Review bombing is nothing new. Steam users have been using the tactic for years now to express their displeasure directly with developers as well as consumers. However, many times the player’s review bombing tactic doesn’t even involve the game. So, Steam has implemented a system to try to separate the fair criticism from the criticism that doesn’t
Following the recent reveal of Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: Gathering Storm, Firaxis and 2K are finally beginning to show the brand new leaders and civilizations introduced in the expansion. Eight new civilizations will come with Gathering Storm, and today we learned that one of them is Hungary, led by Matthias Corvinus. For those of you
Civilization VI enjoyed a successful release in 2016, and soon, 2K will release its latest expansion, Civilization VI: Rise and Fall. We’ve heard about a number of things coming from the expansion: Mongolia, Georgia, and the Native American Cree as playable civilizations, as well as other leader options for existing civilizations. But today, a video was released by
2K Games has given players some fantastic franchises and games to enjoy over the past few years like the Borderlands series, the revived XCOM series, and more, with many of the publisher’s games now available on the cheap for PlayStation owners. Humble Bundle has revealed their latest offering with the Humble 2K PlayStation Bundle, which packages together many