Month: July 2020

In lieu of abuse allegations leveled against Joey “Mr. Wizard” Cuellar, co-founder and former president of EVO, as well as multiple companies including Capcom and Bandai Namco ending support for the tournament, EVO has fired Cuellar and canceled EVO Online. Throughout the last two days, the fighting game community has exploded with allegations of sexual
A report by the House Of Lords Gambling committee in the UK has suggested that in-game loot boxes need heavier restrictions placed against them. The report defines loot boxes as “things in video games where you are handing over money and you are getting something uncertain that is determined randomly in some way.” These items
The Scott Pilgrim franchise has been beloved for years across several different mediums, from the original series of graphic novels to the acclaimed 2010 film starring Michael Cera. Alongside the film, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game brought the series’ trademark humor to a classic beat ’em up experience on last-gen systems. The game however has
While working on Microsoft Flight Simulator as their next big project, Asobo Studio launched a successful story-driven puzzle-adventure last year, A Plague Tale: Innocence, which recently reached over one million copies in the number of sales across all platforms. Originally released back in May 2019, A Plague Tale: Innocence unfolds the story of Amicia and
The Game Bakers published a new trailer for its upcoming game Haven, most notably revealing the RPG is now coming to PS5. You can catch the trailer further below. The trailer reveals a new green-y area in the co-op adventure and it definitely feels fresh and surprising. Surprise is one of the emotions the devs
Capcom’s (and PlatinumGames) Okami is back again, this time in fashion form, thanks to SuperGroupies. The brand opened for preorders multiple clothing items for the Japanese mythology inspired action adventure. Let’s take a look. First, we have the Amaterasu Model Fur Blouson (22,800 yen without tax) A fur blouson with a color scheme of Amaterasu.
In a year without E3, Devolver Digital is still very much going to be part of this summer’s ongoing gaming festivities and has today announced when it will be holding its own presentation. Shared via social media, Devolver revealed that its own “Devolver Direct” event will be taking place next week on Saturday, July 11