Month: May 2020

SEGA and Sports Interactive are currently involved in a bit of a legal headbutting with Manchester United, a British footb…soccer club. Why? Apparently the game infringes the club’s name “extensively throughout the game” and that the use of an unlicensed team’s name is “wrongful” and as such, Manchester United is suing. The English Premier League
With a week before Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition‘s release, the official Japanese Twitter account released some new screens and information. First up we have the title screens for both the original game and the “Future Connected” post game content, which even in their simplicity are gorgeous: 『ゼノブレイド ディフィニティブ・エディション』は発売まであと一週間。そこで今日は、タイトル画面をお見せしちゃいますも!本編と追加ストーリーは別のタイトル画面になっているんですも! #ゼノブレイド #つながる未来 — ゼノブレイド総合 (@XenobladeJP) May
Every day we play a lot of different video games, and we probably never know anything about the stories behind the development process of them. However, recently we’ve heard a weird story about the creation of side missions in the original Assassin’s Creed game, which sounds crazy. The CEO's kid played it — Charles
NBA Street. NFL Blitz. NHL Hitz. The list of all-time classic arcade sports games is long and varied. However, in recent years, sports simulators have completely overtaken the market. Sure, FIFA 20 half-heartedly tried to give fans some arcade goodness with Volta and I’m sure some people like NBA Playgrounds. However, for the most part,
Outriders is the upcoming third-person shooter from Square Enix and People Can Fly. The game tasks you and up to two friends with taking on the roles of super-powered fighters trying to survive on an alien planet. The game is slated to release later this year, so it wasn’t much of a surprise today when
Yesterday, a strange collaboration between Epic Games and Warner Bros. Pictures was revealed when the newest trailer for Tenet, the upcoming movie from acclaimed director Christopher Nolan, premiered within Fortnite. It was an odd crossover on paper, but it seems as though the work between Nolan and Fortnite isn’t ending here. Announced during the event, it was unveiled
If you’ve been remotely interested in video games in the past 10 years, you know of Minecraft. Its immense popularity has spawned games with interesting gameplay takes outside its traditional style. The newest spin, Minecraft Dungeons, is a fun interpretation of the dungeon crawling genre within Mojang’s blocky world and it is definitely worth your
An official teaser site for Fantasia Re:build, releasing in 2020 on PC and mobile, recently went live, hinting we’re finally getting closer to the game’s launch. 【ティザーサイトOPEN記念 フォロー&RTキャンペーン】 フォロー& #RTキャンペーン を開始! 抽選で50名様に #Amazonギフト券 1000円分をプレゼント! 【応募方法】 ①「#ファンタジア・リビルド」公式アカウントをフォロー ②本ツイートをリツイート 【応募締切】 6/19(金) 23:59 まで — 【公式】ファンタジア・リビルド (@project_frb) May 20, 2020 A Twitter campaign is ongoing to celebrate the