Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition Debuts on Mobile Next Week

Android, FFXV, Final Fantasy, final fantasy xv, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition, iOS, News, Originals, Square-Enix

While Final Fantasy XV is well over a year old at this point, the game has shown no signs of waning interest as numerous DLC add-ons and more have been brought to the game, while a very different (and portable) take on the game is arriving next week.

Square Enix Japan (via Siliconera) has announced that Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition will debut on iOS and Android on February 9th, 2018 through the App Store and Google Play, respectively. Originally unveiled last year, Pocket Edition brings over the RPG to a mobile-friendly format, which includes a unique (and charming) chibi-style rendition of the game’s world and characters across ten episodic chapters.

As far as pricing and release, the first episode of Pocket Edition will be free for users to download and try out, while Chapters 2 & 3 will each be $0.99. After that, Chapters 4 – 10 will be $3.99 each. Alternatively, all 10 Chapters can be purchased for $19.99, as opposed to buying them all individually.

Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition will arrive for iOS and Android on February 9th, 2018. For a closer look at what to expect from the mobile adaptation of the acclaimed RPG, you can check out our recent impressions of Pocket Edition from New York Comic Con.

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