Why Has League Of Legends Veteran Jankos Been Banned From Twitch?

banned, e-sports, Esports, Jankos, jankos banned, League of Legends, News, Originals, PC, Streamer, Twitch

Marcin Jankoski, better known as Jankos has been banned from Twitch for 24 hours. The ban came on February 16 and should be lifted the following day, February 17.

Who Is Marcin ‘Jankos’ Jankowski?

Jankos is a professional League of Legends player, he plays under G2 Esports and is known as one of the best Junglers in the game. Originally, Jankos spent a lot of time playing Warcraft 3 and DOTA. It wasn’t until 2010 that the Polish veteran took up League of Legends competitively during Season One.

G2 Esports picked up Jankos in December of 2017 and has played under the team ever since.

He was also chosen as the best player by ESPN going into 2019 Season World Championship.

Why Was Jankos Banned?

Unfortunately as of writing, there’s no official reason as to why Jankos received a 24-hour ban from Twitch. As the ban is only for 24 hours, it’s likely that Jankos accidentally broke the community guidelines or terms of service without realising.

There are speculations that Jankos could have accidentally shown a graphic YouTube thumbnail, or something similar. More than likely though, the ban may have come from him using copyrighted music during his stream. At the moment though, this is all speculation. Jankos did not explain the reasoning for his ban and simply said he’ll be back on Thursday.

Jankos Could Be Headed To North America

There are reports circulating that Jankos is looking to move to North America after 2021. A former teammate of Jankos, Luka Perkz, spoke to IWillDominate’s podcast The Crackdown and broke the news. Perkz said on the podcast:

“I know that Jankos wants to go to NA, after this year.”

As a professional League of Legends player since 2013, it looks as though Jankos may be winding down from the competitive side of things. He has mentioned previously his intention of heading more towards streaming on platforms like Twitch.

The post Why Has League Of Legends Veteran Jankos Been Banned From Twitch? by Kyle Knight appeared first on DualShockers.

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