Summer Lesson Allison Snow and Chisato Shinjo’s Asian Release in English Announced for PlayStation VR

Bandai Namco, News, Originals, PS4, Summer Lesson: Alison Snow Garden of Seven Days, Summer Lesson: Chisato Shinjo Seven Days Etude, Trailers

Waifu lovers, it’s finally time to rejoice! It’s been a long while since the Englis release in Asia of the first Summer Lesson game, Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto and many were losing hope for the second and third games, Allison Snow and Chisato Shinjo.

Yet, they’re coming. Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia announced that both games are in the works and will be released in for Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia) within 2018.

Of course, both games will be released like the first exclusively for Sony’s PS4, with PlayStation VR required to enjoy them.

No further information was provided on a precise release date, but at least we know that they’re coming and that they will be subtitled in English, retaining their original Japanese language voice overs.

Bandai Namco accompanied the announcement with a video starring Producer and Director Tamaoki Jun. You can check it out below.

If you want to see more of Summer Lesson: Allison Snow and Chisato Shinjo, you can check out a trailer for the “3-in-1 Pack that will be released in Japan on February 22nd.

Summer Lesson: Hikari Miyamoto is already available on the Southeast Asian market in English exclusively for PlayStation VR.

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