Overload Brings Zero Gravity Action to PlayStation 4 in Latest Trailer

Linux, Mac, News, Originals, Overload, PC, PS4, Revival Productions, Trailers, Xbox One

PlayStation 4 is ready to become the new home for omni-directional sci-shooter Overload as spins its way through a new fast-paced trailer.

Revival Productions, the people behind Overload, have on their team some of the developers responsible for the mind-bending 1990s shooter series Descent. It seems that Overload is set to pick up the action where they left off more than two decades ago.

Overload is a shooter that allows players to turn and twist in any conceivable direction thanks to its six-axis-of-freedom mechanic which creates a sense of zero-gravity as they progress through a multi-layered maze of tunnels. The game is played from the cockpit of a small but heavily armed vessel that players will use to do battle with drones and robots along the way.

The combat here looks like an absolute treat with bright flashes from vibrant laser blasts lighting up the tunnels ahead and the heavy rattle of machine guns being felt as they batter enemy ships. Like earlier titles in the short-lived genre, taking full advantage of the zero-gravity system means that evasive manuovres and strategic tactics like flanking enemies should feel fluid and natural.

Overload is available now on PC, Mac, and Linux, and is set to bring its unique style of combat to PlayStation 4 and  Xbox One soon.

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