New Star Citizen Video Reveals Complex Stamina System

cloud imperium games, News, Originals, PC, Platforms, Star Citizen, Trailers

Today, Chris Roberts’ Cloud Imperium Games released a new video of its upcoming space simulator Star Citizen.

The video showcases a very interesting mechanic within the game’s features, the stamina system. This encompasses basically every element of a player’s ability to act, bringing into play factors like weariness, ability to breathe, to withstand several Gs while piloting and much more.

For instance, if you sprint too much during a firefight, your accelerated breathing will affect your aim, increasing the spread of your bullets. There seems to be a ton of variables affecting this, prompting players to take specific tactical decisions depending on their conditions and the status of the surrounding environment.

You can check the video out below, and if you want to see more, you can watch another trailer from yesterdaythe impressive demo showcased at Gamescom, including the newly-announced facial recognition tech, alongside the reveal of the upcoming alpha 3.0 and the first battle among playable capital ships. You can also enjoy several more trailers of recently revealed ships, one for the Constellation Aquilaanother video on planetary outposts, one on the MobiGlas HUDtwo more gameplay videosone on shops and kiosksfootage od derelict ships, even more on explorable planets, and one on ship persistence.

Star Citizen’s crowdfunding campaign is currently at $159,042,548, provided by 1,873,243 backers. As usual, for the sake of full disclosure, the author of this post backed the game on Kickstarter during the original campaign, quite a while ago.

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