Japan-Only Final Fantasy for Mobile to Shutter After 14 Year Anniversary

Android, Final Fantasy Mobile, iOS, News, Originals, Square-Enix

While developer and publisher Square Enix has taken a more aggressive interest in mobile gaming within the last few years, one of the studio’s first experiments into the field — Final Fantasy for Mobile — will be closing its doors soon. Launched sometime between Final Fantasy XI: Online and Final Fantasy XII on March 1, 2004, Final Fantasy for Mobile is formally closing its servers on March 31, 2018.

Never heard of Final Fantasy for Mobile? The service was not only exclusive to Japan, but also released in a partnership deal between Square Enix and Japanese phone-maker NTT DoCoMo for their now defunct NTT DoCoMo’s 900i Series. Not only was this version of the original Final Fantasy brought over, but so was the original Dragon Quest in Dragon Quest Mobile.

Noted in the service’s about page, Final Fantasy for Mobile acts as a comprehensive site on mobile phones to help enjoy the a slew of Final Fantasy games.

In a recent update to the service’s support page, Square Enix made a formal announcement that they will be ending new-user registration on February 28, 2018 and discontinuing service entirely on March 31, 2018. While it seems crazy there are still people playing around in this service, Square Enix has thanked the above-average patronization of it.

Meanwhile, for those looking to scratch their Final Fantasy itch from titles out this decade, Final Fantasy Dimensions II just launched in October and Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition is set to come to iOS and Android in Fall 2017. You can check DualShockers impressions on the latter, where we note it “actually does an admirable job of capturing the grand adventure from its console big brothers.”

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