Genshin Impact – Work Overtime With Ganyu And Check Her Favorite Food, Hobbies, Teaser Trailer, Elemental Skill, Elemental Burst Details

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miHoYo officially revealed the intro trailer, character profile, and several gameplay details for Ganyu in Genshin Impact (PC, PS4, PS5, Mobile, Switch TBD). We have no specific date yet, but the Ganyu gacha banner will join Genshin Impact sometime next week (January 11). We already know a lot about Ganyu, assuming you don’t skip the dialogues, as she played a big part in the Liyue main story chapter.

Ganyu is the second new character in Genshin Impact Ver 1.2, following Albedo. “Plenilune Gaze” Ganyu is the secretary of the Yuehai Pavilion. She most notably acts as Ningguang’s messenger. Ganyu is also an half-adepti and is several thousand years old. She uses a Cryo Vision and bows. Her constellation is called Sinae Unicornis. The main peculiar feature of Ganyu is her horns, and fans of Higurashi might want to ask themselves if they can * her horns similarly to Hanyu. Ganyu is extremely serious, but also has a much more meek personality the few moments she is not working.

In Japanese, Ganyu is voiced by Reina Ueda, the seiyuu known for voicing Ajimi in PriPara and Pretty Series. In the English dub, Ganyu is voiced by Jennifer Losi.

Genshin Impact – Ganyu profile summary:

Ganyu is in charge of many tasks for the Yuehai Pavilion, and most don’t even realize just how much work she does. The data she brings is critical to Liyue Harbor and the Liyue Qixing. She quietly eats breakfast at the wharf, but before the sun rises, she’s already back at work as per her “contract”, signed with the Geo Archon 3000 years ago.

Xiangling explained in her dialogue how Ganyu often eats at her restaurant, but only ever eats vegetables and seem super lonely. As such Xiangling always give her large servings because she feels bad for her, and Ganyu actually always eats everything.

Qingxin flowers are very bitter, but Ganyu finds the petals delicious. Ganyu doesn’t grow Qingxin flowers herself though. She’s scared of being unable to resist eating them.

Ganyu considers hobbies to be something that makes you happy. As such, her sole hobby is her work, as that’s what makes her happy. She’d like more breaks though.

Genshin Impact – Ganyu Gameplay – Elemental Skill and Burst

Ganyu’s Elemental Skill is a quick dash which lets her evade enemies attacks while spawning an ice flower, dealing AoE Cryo DMG. That ice flower aggro enemies, and when its destroyed, it triggers another Cryo AoE attack.

Ganyu’s Elemental burst summons an ice disco ball that continuously drops icicles on enemies, dealing Cryo DMG.

Lastly, don’t forget Ganyu is the first character who is able to charge her Precise Shot attack. At max charge, it deals AoE Cryo DMG at impact. You can check that out with our summary of the Genshin Impact version 1.2 stream, where Ganyu was first officially revealed.

Genshin Impact – Ganyu Teaser Trailer (Japanese, English)

As usual, don’t forget you shouldn’t put your trust in data and builds from Ganyu stats leaked from the Ver 1.2 Closed Beta Test. It was a Beta, and subject to change. Like every character so far, she will be slightly different when officially incorporated in the game, following feedback from players who participated in the Beta.

With the Closed Beta Test of Version 1.3, miHoYo is planning to rework Zhongli and Geo characters. Version 1.3 itself will launch in February 2021. While we don’t know yet when it’s coming, Inazuma will be the next of the seven regions of Teyvat to be added in the game.

The post Genshin Impact – Work Overtime With Ganyu And Check Her Favorite Food, Hobbies, Teaser Trailer, Elemental Skill, Elemental Burst Details by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.

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