Genshin Impact Moonchase Charms, Mystmoon Chests Locations, Map in Liyue

action, Adventure, Genre, Genshin Impact, Guides, mobile, Moonchase Festival, Originals, PC, PS4, PS5, RPG, Switch

The Moonchase Festival Event has started in Genshin Impact this September 27, with several sub-events and objectives, in particular, you’ll be able to hunt for Moonchase Charms and Mystmoon Chests for additional rewards and Primogems.

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Genshin Impact Moonchase Event day 1, 2 (Path of Stalwart Stone)

But first, for the Moonchase Charms and Mystmoon treasure chests to appear in the game, you’ll have to complete the introduction Quest of the Moonchase Festival, Moonlight Merriment: Part I.

There are no puzzles or gimmicks in Moonlight Merriment: Part I, and it’s a succession of cutscenes that most notably reveal a lot of interesting details about Xiangling, including who’s the master who trained her and Dendro character Yaoyao.

Once you’ve cleared Moonlight Merriment: Part I, you can ask Linyang in Liyue Harbor to display on your map hint locations of the Charms and Mystmoom Chests.

Note that the symbols don’t reflect every single Charm and chest in the area, but they’re all clustered together. So you’ll often find 2 or 3 other Charms or chests when investigating these symbols.

Moonchase Charms, Mystmoon Chests locations in Liyue, hint maps

Mystmoon Chests and Moonchase Charms locations in Liyue
Mystmoon Chests and Moonchase Charms locations in Liyue day 2

The treasure chest symbols are the Mystmoon Chests, and the flame-like symbols are the Moonchase Charms. You can ask Linyang to display new hints once a day after the daily server reset. Update: Added above the hint map for day 2 of the event.

The Moonchase Charms are the same as oculi, and they also appear on your mini-map as you get closer. Meanwhile, the Mystmoon Chests get you 5 Primogems each, along with other rewards. Some of them are guarded by monsters you’ll have to defeat, sometimes Slimes, sometimes Fatui Agents or Electro Cicin Mages. There are none of the barrier-using Fatui so you’ll be fine with whoever is in your party.

Genshin Impact is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, iOS, and Android. The Nintendo Switch version is also coming at some point but has no release date yet. The Moonchase Festival will be ongoing until October 11, but don’t wait until the final day to rush everything.

The post Genshin Impact Moonchase Charms, Mystmoon Chests Locations, Map in Liyue by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.

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